先日、慶應義塾大学 学部・大学院の「9月入学式」が行われました。
日程:10月1日(火)、10月2日(水) 18:15〜19:15
日程:10月3日(木)、10月4日(金) 18:15〜19:15
これからの大学生活の主人公は紛れもなく皆さんです。自分にとって居心地の良い場所を見つけて、自分らしい大学生活を送ってください。 その中で、皆さんの大学生活をより豊かなものにするお手伝いができれば、私としてはこの上ない喜びです。
塾生代表 / 全塾協議会 代表 内田 光紀
The "September Entrance Ceremony" for undergraduate and graduate students of Keio University was held on September 24th.
Congratulations to all the new students and welcome to Keio University!
All Student Council are working to improve the welfare of student life.
We are going to hold the fall club orientation for all studets who entered the university in the fall.
We hope you find the best club to make your university life more fruitful.
For more information, please refer to the following link. Lists of clubs joining the fall club orientation will be held soon.
Thank you.
Below is the message from Uchida Teruki, the Student Principal of Keio University.
Congratulations to all new students on your enrollment.
As you read this, I am sure you are feeling excited for your university life to begin. University life is quite different from your previous community. Many more people will be involved in your life. Whether you start your own business or pursue club activities, Keio University prepares an environment for all the students to try anything they want to be thrilled with. The university years could be shorter than you expect. As the saying goes,“Make hay while the sun shines.” (「思い立ったが吉日」), so please don't be afraid to try it out if you find it interesting. At the same time, I hope you will take the opportunity to explore things that you have not been exposed to before. Whatever activities you devote yourselves to will surely be an irreplaceable asset for all of you.
The seniors are currently working on the preparation for the orientation event next week to welcome you. There are about 500 clubs at Keio University, and each club has its character. The Orientation event is nothing but a chance for all of you to explore the clubs at Keio University. From now on, you are the only hero of your university life. I hope you will find comfortable places and live your own university life. It would be our greatest pleasure if we could help make your university life better through this.
Once again, congratulations on your enrollment.
September 24, 2024
Student President / President of All Keio Student Council Teruki Uchida